12 Pictures That Anyone Who's Been Pregnant Will Understand Perfectly

12 Pictures That Anyone Who's Been Pregnant Will Understand Perfectly

Pregnancy is a unique time for a number of reasons. It’s an unforgettable period of immense joy coupled with worry and excitement. Pregnancy is a huge transition in a woman's life, and it involves a complex mix of emotions, both good and bad.

And if you’ve ever been pregnant, chances are you have lots of funny and touching stories to tell about how it feels when you have a little person growing inside you.

During the nine months, a woman's moods and emotions can range from the highs of feeling overjoyed and excited about having a baby to the lows of feeling impatient, worried and terrified as the delivery and motherhood approaches. 

Illustrator Zhanna Bulankova, creatively illustrates the pregnancy related issues. You must have some funny and touching stories to tell about how it feels when you have a little person growing inside you. This post is dedicated to all moms out there who are expecting a little angel soon.