13 Stunning Photos That Perfectly Capture the Beauty of Giving Birth

13 Stunning Photos That Perfectly Capture the Beauty of Giving Birth

Every birth is a different story although we are the same. Some births take countless hours, while others happen in mere minutes. But while each and every birth is unique, every parent can relate to the multitude of emotions that come crashing over you when you meet your little one for the first time.

For almost five years, birth and breastfeeding photographer Leilani Rogers has been taking stunning images of birth in its many forms — home births, hospital deliveries, water births, C-sections and more. 

Leilani Rogers shared a compilation of some of the most powerful birth photos from her archives. While the photos empower the moms they depict and sometimes help heal memories of times when they felt weak or vulnerable, the images also prompt conversation around a somewhat taboo topic.