Waiting for Baby: The Myth of a Due Date

What you need to know about going post-date? One of the first prenatal appointments involves giving a "dua date."  A lot of emphasis is put on this date even though statistically a very small percentage of women actually give birth on it.

But it is not an expiration date. There is a lot of misinformation about "due dates". Not all babies need exactly the same amount of time in utero. Due dates are purely a guess, so we shouldn't treat that date as if it's set in stone. 

Any time between 37 and 42 weeks is a normal gestation. Most new moms go until at least 41 weeks, sometimes longer. Statistically, most mothers will deliver by the 42 week mark. Post-date testing, rather than induction, is more evidence-based. 

It might not come easy, but when planning your child's entry. It is important to remember that the due date is largely a myth, and more than likely, your baby will come right on time. And while you wait...The only prescription is to keep calm and anjoy these last days of pregnancy if you can.