How a Baby Grows in the Mother's Womb?

Life is truly wonderful! What unborn babies do in the womb? In fact, the development of human life in the womb is just amazing. Did you know that everything about you — including how tall you would be, the color of your eyes, and the color of your skin-- was all determined at the time of fertilization? Month-by-month you grew in the safety and comfort of your mother's womb until the big day of your birth finally arrived.

After an egg is released from an ovary and is fertilized, it travels slowly through the fallopian tube to the uterus. During this time it begins to divide until it has grown to about 100 cells. The egg, now called a blastocyst, then implants in the tissue lining the wall of the uterus. The uterus will then house and protect the developing fetus for 38 weeks, or approximately 9 months.

When the fetus has matured and birth is imminent, the baby begins to go through a series of movements that help it navigate through the birth canal. As the uterus begins to contract with the pains of labor, the opening of the uterus, called the cervix, dilates to allow the baby to pass into the vagina.