Pregnancy Tips for Third Trimester - Relaxation

In today's lifestyle segment, we are going to explore belly massage and another relaxation technique to get you through the third trimester. It’s best to have the belly massage right after you've emerged from the bath, while your pores are still open and your skin is really supple. 
You can use a non-mineral-based oil or cream to massage. Massage the belly in a clockwise motion, following the direction of your intestines. You will want to also make sure to apply oil or cream to the outer hips and lower back area, so we can prevent or decrease stretchmarks. 
It is a wonderful way to connect with your baby. These are the last few weeks that your belly will be this big and soon you will be holding your baby in your arms. Once you've lathered up, you can lie back in "reclined cobbler's pose" to relax.
Here's what you need: a bolster stacked against two blocks. If you don't have access to a bolster and blocks, you can also use a stack of blankets. Then, you're going to come to sit at the edge of your blanket or bolster. Then you're going to place your feet to the floor and just lie back against the bolster. So, your shoulders and neck are rested against the bolster and your head is towards the back of the room.
You can bring your arms to either side of your body. You can take your legs and extend them out in front of you, which is a really nice release for people who are at their final stage of pregnancy. It takes a little bit of pressure off of the lower hip region. You can also take your legs into "reclined cobbler's pose."
With this position, we're creating extension across the hip girdle. You can just close your eyes. Long, deep inhales in through your nose. And exhale to sigh it out. Inhaling. And exhale. Just keep breathing like this until you feel a sense of calm. Allow yourself to relax here for a couple of minutes and you might even find yourself falling asleep.
When you're ready to move out of the posture, press your feet into the floor and bring your left arm across. Your right arm will come to meet and you slowly ease up into a comfortable seated position. Remember to take your time as you ease up to your seated position.