Pregnancy Week 40 - Childbirth

Only 5% of babies are born on their due date, so you may begin to feel impatient. Your baby is curled up head down and ready for birth. Birth of your baby can vary anywhere between 3 to 24 hours on average.

You may be offered many forms of pain relief during labour:

Gas and Air (Entonox): A mix of oxygen and nitrous oxide which is breathed through a mouthpiece or mask. This will take the edge off the pain.

Injections: Like Pethadine and Meptid can be given during the first stage of labor. They will help you relax but may make you sleepy.

Epidural: A local anesthetic is injected into the spinal column and spinal cord, numbing the nerves that serve the uterus. This may also be used in the event  of a Caesarean delivery being performed because it allows mother to stay awake.

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS): This is a technique that involved a weak electric current being used to block the pain sensations in the brain and to stimulate release of endorphins, the body's natural painkiling hormone.