Safe Sleep for Newborns: How to Reduce the Risk of Cot Death

The number one thing is to place your baby on their back to sleep, and also to have the baby in the room with you until the baby is over 6 months of age. So that could be downstairs or in your bedroom, but have baby close to you. 

The other thing to think about is overheating, so baby doesn't get too warm, that's using a sheet or blanket or being careful and using a sleeping bag with the right tog rating for the time of year. Also take care with regards to radiators or sunlight to make sure baby doesn't get too hot, so always place your baby's cot or crib away from windows and radiators. 

The other thing to think about is the feet to foot position, put your baby in the foot of the cot. Feet near the foot of the cot. That's the safest position, and put their arms over the blankets, so the blankets can't go over baby's head. Avoid sleeping with your baby in your bed, there can be risks with this, especially if you have been drinking, or baby can get very hot.

So it's best to avoid this when you have a very young baby. Things that seem to help also are breastfeeding, to breast feed your baby. The other thing is when feeding has been established to use a soother, or dummy when your baby is settled by using a dummy.

The biggest thing that comes up, that something that even when you're pregnant, is to not smoke. Smoking around baby and smoking during pregnancy is really a high risk and should be avoided.

The other thing that's really quite dangerous is to fall asleep on the sofa or armchair. If baby does fall asleep in your arms, maybe when you're in the living room, then to put your baby down in the crib or moses basket or carrycot is the safest thing.

The other thing with babies is to make sure that every new baby gets a new mattress, thats the safest thing and most hygienic thing to do as well for babies.