What is Happening at 31 Weeks Pregnant?

What happens in the 31th week of pregnancy? At 15 inches and weighing between three and three and one-half pounds , your baby is over half the size he or she will be at birth. As baby fat continues to accumulate, your baby will gain weight much more quickly in these last two months. 

Your baby in the 31th week of pregnancy:

- Your baby is now moving a lot more than before, the expectant mother can likely feel a lot more of that movement

- Your little one is now creating neural connections

- Height of your baby is 16.18 inches and weighs 3.31 pounds

- The baby can now turn his or her head

- Fat is accumulating beneath the skin to prepare for birth and life outside the womb

- Using the neural connections forming in your baby's growing brain, he or she is beginning to process information and track light

- Your little one can now recognize signals received from the five senses

- His or her eyes can now perceive light with fully functioning irises that dilate and contract

- The tiny ears can now hear and distinguish sounds

- It is said that baby's heart rates speed up and slowdown in response to different music

- Your baby can now play with his or her nose, toes, umbilical cord, and your uterine walls to improve his sense of touch

- Mothers may experience an arm or a foot move slowly across the belly

- Many expectant mothers also experience Braxton Hicks contractions, and some can even experience preterm labor at this point

Your body in the 31th week of pregnancy:

You might be getting Braxton Hicks contractions now, and be feeling regular tightening in your tummy. Braxton Hicks are sometimes called practice contractions, but they should not be painful. 

You might also be feeling more tired now as your due date is well and truly in sight, so it is important to get as much rest as and when you can, particularly if you are having trouble sleeping at night.

You might be experiencing more heartburn now, too, as your growing baby puts extra pressure on your tummy - your midwife might suggest an antacid if you are finding it too uncomfortable. In fact, you might find your whole digestion system is a bit out of kilter in late pregnancy - again, speak to your midwife if your symptoms are bothering you. Some, like constipation and wind can be easily remedied through diet.