From baby's conception to his or her world entrance, each little second is spent developing into what will be a big and unique personality. Besides the more obvious movements Moms feel, here are 10 things these precious ones do before even being born:
1 - Feel Pain: While debates continue, many authorities seem to confirm that babies feel pain as early as 8 weeks.
2 - Dream: Baby's dreaming is evidenced by rapid eye movement.
3 - Think: Baby's brain waves have been recorded as early as 6 weeks.
4 - Yawn: After a long night, a good yawn might be in order.
5 - Light sensitivity: Researchers have determined that a fetus can be sensitive to light. By shining a light on a mother's belly, the baby's eyes appear to blink when the light is shone on their face.
6 - Startle: Babies gets scared by any sudden sounds like Mom sneezing.
7 - Laugh by Bouncing: Babies joyfully bounce in response to Mom laughing.
8 - Smell: Babies jump at bad smells like cigarettes, or enjoys good ones like Mom's food.
9 - Breathe: Even though a baby gets oxygen through the umbilical cord, the lung muscles develop as they imitate Mom's breathing.
10 - Stay Up at Night: It is believed many babies in womb are nocturnal. After birth, they go from being a night owl to learning day and night.