7 Benefits of Walking During Pregnancy

Brisk walking for at least 30 minutes on most days is a convenient and free way to maintain your health - no need to sign-up for expensive exercise classes to get fit. Walking helps to keep you toned, at a healthy weight, and in a positive mind-set. It also helps to prevent chronic disease such as diabetes.

For most pregnant women walking is safe for the entire nine months of pregnancy as long as you don't overdo it and your doctor has given you the green light.

Let's see benefits you and your bundle of job will get from walking:

1. Toned muscles and strong heart

2. Easy and shorter labor

3. Burns calories thus preventing excessive weight gain

4. Prevents gestational diabetes and preeclampsia 

5. Maintains adequate fitness levels 

6. Eases constipation 

7. Manages stress levels.

Tips for walking during pregnancy:

- Walk at a comfortable pace that isn't too fast

- Take a bottle of water 

- Don't walk in extremely humid or hot conditions 

- Listen to your body and know when to stop and take some rest.