9 Baby Registry Mistakes to Avoid Making

Mistake 1 - Insisting on everything new: Say hello to hand-me-downs! Secondhand sheets and clothes are oh-so-soft. (Just skip used cribs—and check recall lists!)
Mistake 2 - Going overboard: Keep your registry tightly edited—you wont need 20 white newborn onesies Trust us.
Mistake 3 - Thinking small: Don't just request newborn-sized stuff—think of what you'll need for baby's entire first year.
Mistake 4 - Adding too many "maybe" items: Pacifer holders and wipe warmers are nice, but you don't really need them. Stick to the basics!
Mistake 5 - Loading up on expensive essentials: Consider buying big-ticket must-haves like a crib and car seat yourself. Or, pick just one pricey item to add.
Mistake 6 - Registering for a breast pump: You can get a free pump thanks to the Affordable Care Act—just call your insurance provider for details.
Mistake 7 - Not thinking gender neutral: Tempted to stock up on pink items for your baby girl? Think ahead: Your next child could be a boy!
Mistake 8 - Believing the product hype: Simple bottles and burp cloths may be more helpful than that fancy swing that moves in 17 different directions. Just sayin'.
Mistake 9 - Forgetting about yourself: Whether it's a nursing shawl or nipple cream, there's nothing wrong with adding something for yourself!