Birth Movement: Rebozo Techniques for Labor

Sifting, or jiggling, the entire abdomen can relax tight ligaments and may help a baby rotate in pregnancy or labor more easily, and help a birthing woman relax into her labor.
The rebozo is a traditional Mexican shawl that is long enough to wrap around a woman's body (about 4-5 feet). The rebozo is a multifunction tool for labor, used to assist the mother into various positions and for relaxation. If you do not own a rebozo, you can substitute a large scarf, sheet or piece of fabric.
The rebozo acts like an extension of the labor partner's arms. It allows the partner to help support the laboring mother's weight so she doesn't have to. It can also help to ensure the mother is in the right position.
When NOT to do the Rebozo
Avoid sifting with the Rebozo when there is a threat of miscarriage, such as signs of bleeding or low cramping in early pregnancy, history of multiple mid to late pregnancy miscarriages or losses in past pregnancies. Use a myofascial diaphragmatic release instead.
When the round ligaments are tight or cramping in mid or late pregnancy, the Rebozo wouldn’t be dangerous to the baby, but could make the mother’s round ligament spasm. So, do only a lift and very gentle and slight rocking. Otherwise you might “set off” a round ligament spasm which hurts. If the mother isn’t getting these spasms, you are not likely to set them off with the Rebozo.
Do not perform vigorous or even moderate sifting with the Rebozo or a Rebozo substitute against an anterior placenta. This warning is intuitive, I know of no research on this. Early in pregnancy we wouldn’t know the placenta is anterior but before 12 weeks the uterus is low enough for placental location not to matter.  I believe Rebozo use would be ok if done gently without jerking. Mid to late in pregnancy I want to be careful and mindful with an anterior placenta.
My preference is not to use the Rebozo for repositioning the baby through force, jerking one end or flipping the abdomen in the direction you want baby to go. Typically this may not be harmful, but occasionally baby’s head and body are at 180 degree difference and this jerking of the Rebozo against the mother may jerk the baby the wrong direction.
About video: This video shows how a selendang, rebozo, shawl, or bedsheet can be used for sifting. This gentle movement relieves uterine ligament tension during pregnancy, and it can be used to facilitate fetal rotation and descent during labor.