Colic: When Does It Start–and End?

So What is Colic? 

It technically means severe abdominal pain, but often refers to an extremely fussy baby. Many doctors are moving away from the term, but if you've got a super-cranky baby, here's what you need to know...


When Does Colic Start?

Doctors diagnose colic by the "rule of 3s"

- Crying fits that start before a baby turns 3 weeks old.

- Inconsolable crying that lasts at least 3 hours.

- Long crying fits that happen at least 3 times per week, for at least 3 weeks.


Sould My Baby See a Doctor?

Your doctor can give you smart ideas for soothing your little one—and ensure the crying doesn't have another cause.


When is Colic at Its Worst? 

For most colicky babies, the wailing peaks when they reach 6 weeks old. (Hold on, mama!)


Can I Do Anything to Make It Better?

Some babies respond to motion, massage, sucking (on a pacifier or your breast), or probiotics. (Check with your doctor first!)


When Does It End?

For most babies, colic stops by time they hit 3 months old. (Phew!)