Pregnancy is a natural and ought to be a joyful experience for women. For those who are not exposed to the normal benefits of breathing exercises will be surprised to know that some simple breathing techniques can do a great deal in making you feel better.
Breathing exercises are just about the perfect way in which you can effectively reduce your stress levels and develop an overall feeling of goodness and health. Regular breathing exercises during pregnancy can have enormous benefits during the pregnancy term, during labour and delivery.
Rhythmic breathing during labour will maximise the amount of oxygen available to you and your baby. Breathing techniques can also help you to handle contractions and be more satisfied with how you've coped with your labour.
Using relaxation techniques, including breathing, has also been linked to a reduced risk of assisted birth. Exploring what happens when you lose control of your breathing can help you to understand why rhythmic breathing can help in labour.
About video: Vicky Warr, TheBeezKneez explains how to do deep Diaphragmatic breathing to help with pregnancy relaxation, health and well-being. The diaphragm is the most efficient muscle of breathing.