Every pregnancy is different. The time that it takes you and your body to recover from giving birth will differ from mother to mother-even from one birth to another.
If you have a straightforward labor and birth, the likelihood is you will start feeling more like yourself again soon. If you had a tear, complications or certain interventions, you will most likely need a little more time and care to recover well.
It's easy to feel overwhelmed when you first come home from hospital with a newborn. If it's your first child, you'll no doubt be on a steep learning curve. While if you have older children, you will also be juggling their needs as well as a newborn who is totally dependent on you.
Don't be afraid to ask for and accept help. While you may not feel like it, getting out of the house, even for a short walk can help to clear your head.
Exercise can actually help boost your energy levels too. Try to get some rest when your baby sleeps or if you can't do that during the day, try and get into bed early. Eating well will also help you feel more energized.
Try and have healthy snacks on-hand, to make it easier. It really does take a village to raise a child. Don't be afraid to ask for help from family and friends, especially in these early days.
If your friends or family offers some assistance, don't be afraid to ask them to walk the dog for you, to pick up the bread and milk on their way over, or even hang a load of washing.