Early Life Nutrition: Top 5 Tips

My top five recommendations for optimizing your nutrition if you are planning to conceive would be first of all to see a dietitian, because you really want to make sure that you're eating well before conception which will take you through pregnancy breastfeeding and what to feed your family secondly it would be about taking. The right nutritional supplements, so even before you can see if you want to make sure that you're getting enough folate and the right type of folic and you want to make sure that you're getting enough iodine and if you need vitamin D or not and maybe omega-3 so again they're questions to ask your dietitian number three it's about making sure that you're gaining the right amount of weight during pregnancy for some mums that means trying to gain a bit extra and for others it means making sure that they don't gain too much number four is to make sure that you're introducing allergens early so that means during pregnancy having small regular amounts of allergens on a daily basis to help build up your baby's immune defense and then number five would be breastfeeding for as long as possible because we know that breastfeeding is so beneficial for your baby these five tips are really going to help to prevent long term health issues for your baby and make the world of difference.