How to in 60 Seconds Pregnancy Yoga: Couples Work

Are you pregnant but want to keep fit? Then yoga could be what you are looking for. Research suggests that prenatal yoga is safe and can have many benefits for pregnant women and their babies.

Yoga can help women get through their pregnancy with minimal discomfort. It also helps the birth and post-delivery stages. Posture is also improved by yoga and this can help ease back problems, which are common in pregnant women.

And yoga continues to have benefits after pregnancy, too. Postnatal yoga, which can be started about six weeks after the birth, strengthens abdominal muscles and your pelvic floor. It also helps you to get back to your pre-pregnancy shape faster.

- Stand facing each other with your palms touching.

- Step your left foot back and keep your feet parallel.

- Exhale and push on each others palms.

- Push all the way through from your left heel.

- Then inhale end release, keeping your pose.

- Push with the right palm, light resistance with the left.

- Left your gaze follow your left hand.

- Open your arms wide, one up and one down.

- Lean slightly and look through the loop.

- Repeat on the other side.

- Open your arms wide and kiss on each cheek.

- Repeat each move six times.


- Exercises the thighs, lengthens calves.

- Reinforces your abdomen, back, shoulders and arms.