How to Avoid Foot Pain During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, the body undergoes some amazing changes. Weight gain changes your center of gravity. Hormonal changes, changes that cause ligament laxity, both of which can put excessive pressure on the feet. In addition, changes in swelling in the second and third trimester can also wreak havoc on the feet. 
So, what do you do to prevent problems with weight gain and center of gravity? Usually, I recommend women switching to their shoe gear immediately. The center of gravity is different and will put more pressure on your arch and your forefoot, so wear a low heeled shoe, preferably an athletic shoe.
The hormones that cause the ligaments to become lax in the birth canal, so that you can deliver, also affect the ligaments in your foot, making them more lax. This is a common cause of arch pain in women, and this is actually a common cause of why women's shoe size increase after pregnancy. 
Swelling can be a problem. Swelling of the feet in the second and third trimesters, there's a huge problem. Shoes don't fit properly any more. A shoe with an adjustable tie or a buckle is usually the best to accommodate the swelling.
We see issues commonly with ingrown toenails, excessive perspiration of the feet. I like to recommend elevating your feet often, watching the sodium content in your foods, eating a balanced diet, hydration, and lastly, compression stockings. 
Compression stockings work well, whether at knee high or closed toe, in the second and third trimester to control swelling. Compression stockings are important in the second and third trimester. It can limit some of the complications due to swelling, such as pain around joints, swelling in the toes, resulting in corns, calluses, and ingrown toenails. 
It's not uncommon for a woman's foot to change at least one size during pregnancy, so the shoes that you were in at the beginning of your pregnancy may no longer fit you at the end.