How to Bottle Feed Your Baby?

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that infants are exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life. Babies who are exclusively breastfed will get the best start for growth, development and health. Infants who are not breast fed need a suitable breast-milk substitute, for example, infant formula. 
Make sure you are sitting comfortably. Enjoy holding your baby and looking into their eyes as you feed them. Bottle feeding is a chance to feel close to your baby and get to know them.
• Prepare the bottle correctly.
• Check the temperature.
• It should be luke warm (just about 37 °)
• Find a comfortable, quiet place.
• Alternate the feeding position:
 - one feed the baby's head is on your left arm,
 - the next feed it should be at your right arm.
• Gently introduce the bottle to baby's mouth.
• Teat always full of milk.
• The baby stops drinking when it is saturated.
• Respect your baby's needs, and don't impose the bottle.
• Help the baby expel wind.
• Dispose any leftover milk.
• Clean bottle with water and soap.