How to Prevent Miscarriage in Early Pregnancy

Any unwanted, spontaneous pregnancy loss prior to the 20th week of pregnancy is considered a miscarriage. Miscarriages are a relatively common occurrence, affecting nearly 15% of all pregnancies. 
However, repeat miscarriages, defined by either three consecutive first-trimester losses or two with one in the first trimester and one in the second trimester, suggests that there may be an underlying medical condition. 
Women experiencing repeat miscarriages should consult a recurrent miscarriage specialist to avoid further losses.
A miscarriage is the unfortunate result of a genetic abnormality that occurs in the fetus, often characterized by the tripling of a chromosome. While miscarriage can't be prevented by Western medicine in any definite way, there are plenty of precautions you can take to decrease your chance of miscarrying. 
- Exercise regularly
- Eat healthy
- Manage stress
- Keep weight within healthy limits
- Take folic acid daily
- Do not smoke