How to Prevent Pigmentation During Pregnancy

Chloasma (sometimes called melasma) is the medical name for the darkening of the skin. This hyper-pigmentation is very common indeed during pregnancy (to varying degrees) and it might be one of the first pregnancy symptoms you experience.

Sometimes the condition is referred to as 'the mask of pregnancy' because it can appear on the face, in very odd-shaped 'splashes'. If you have freckles and moles, these may intensify in colour somewhat, as well, but it's not only the face which is affected.

The darker skin patches can occur all over the place, and there are some specific areas which are likely to change. Your nipples will probably darken a shade or two. As your pregnancy progresses, you're also likely to notice a vertical brown line, stretching all the way down your abdomen through your belly button (this is called the linea nigra). And, er, 'down there' doesn't get off lightly, either. The vulva often gets darker during pregnancy.

Your pregnancy hormones are behind all the skin changes, as if you hadn't guessed. The hormones temporarily stimulate an increased production of melanin, the substance which gives colour to your skin, hair and eyes.

Chloasma tends to be more noticeable in women with darker skin, although very fair-skinned women can suffer from it too. In most cases, the patches will slowly fade in the months after delivery of the baby. Very occasionally the patches persist, but this is rare.

Not only does one put on weight during that period but also may suffer from other skin problems like rashes. Stay tuned to Skinfiniti to find out how to beat this problem with skin expert Dr. Jaishree Sharad.