How to Put a Onesie on a Baby?

Practice makes perfect when it comes to putting a onesie on a baby. Learn two ways to get this outfit on your baby: from top to bottom (going over her head first), and from bottom to top (going over her feet first).

From Top to Bottom
• Scrunch up the onesie into a ring of fabric.
• Bring the onesie over the head all at once.
• Then pull down the material.

From Bottom to Top
• Slide the scrunched onesie over the feet.
• Then pull the onesie up.
• Ever wonder why onesies have shoulder flaps?
• They make sliding a onesie on and off a baby's shoulder easy.
• When your baby has a blowout, this is the best way to take the onesie off.
• Roll the material as you go to protect the baby from the soiled onesie.