How to Sleep Better During Your Pregnancy?

The third trimester is the most sleep challenged stage of pregnancy. With the frequency of urination, inability to get comfortable and exhaustion from trying to keep up with the demands of their normal schedules, some women find themselves struggling to stay awake. 
Do not sleep on your back: Doing so blocks blood flow to baby.
Sleep on your side: The left side is preferable for blood flow.
Pregnancy pillow: A full-length body pillow for max comfort.
The more, the better: Encase yourself fully in pillows.
Relieve lower-body pressure: Place pillows between legs.
Avoid drinking liquids late: To minimize late night bathroom trips.
Avoid rapid leg movements: To help prevent inducing leg cramps.
Point your toe upwards: It will help alleviate leg cramp pain.
Utilize partner for massages: Because they should be helping you out.