Morning Sickness Cures and Remedies During Pregnancy

Morning sickness is one of the most common and unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy. There are ways to cope with morning sickness, though. Here's Dr. Keith Eddleman, author of Pregnancy for Dummies, with suggestions.

How to cope with morning sickness:
- Know that morning sickness is a normal symptom of pregnancy, especially during the first trimester.
- Eat smaller, more frequent meals.
- Choose bland foods, not spicy.
- Try sugar candies or gums to maintain your glucose level.
- Combine Vitamin B6 and the OTC sleep-aid Unisom for relief of symptoms. It works for some women, not all.
- Some women get relief from green or ginger teas.
- Keep trying different remedies until you find one that works for you.
- Talk to your doctor if you are unable to take in solid foods or liquids for more than two days. There are some prescriptions for severe nausea and vomiting that are safe to use while pregnant.