20 Most Clever And Cute Pregnancy Announcements Ever

10 Extraordinary Photos of Babies Born in the Amniotic Sac

Pregnancy is one of the biggest things that could possibly happen in a couple’s life, so if you’re gonna tell the world, do it with a bang! Some couples go with the traditional pink or blue cards that say, “It’s a Boy!” Or, “It’s a Girl!” But if you really want to make a splash you’ve got to send out an announcement that is as exciting as the news it reveals. The couples in this list came up with some of the funniest and most creative ways to announce their pregnancies that we’ve ever seen.

Tuesday is the most popular day to deliver a baby, and Monday is the second most popular day. On average there are more boys born than girls every year. For the last 60 years there has been a steady ratio of approximately 1,048 male births to every 1.000 female births .

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