Niplette (Philips AVENT)

Inverted or non-protractile nipples are a reality for large numbers of women, causing psychological distress and making breastfeeding difficult for mother and baby. Inverted nipples occur because of short lactiferous (milkbearing) ducts which tether the nipple and prevent it projecting.
The Niplette is a simple and painless device that can be used by women of any age to correct inverted or non-protractile nipples. Using suction to gently stretch the lactiferous ducts over time, it can be tucked discretely inside the bra and can achieve a permanent correction between 1 and 3 months of continuous use, for 8hrs/day.
The Niplette is easy and painless to use and is suitable for women of any age. Ideally the Niplette should be used before pregnancy. If breasts are not too sensitive a Niplette can also be used in the first 6 months of pregnancy to achieve a permanent correction. 
Alternatively it can be used after the birth of the baby, for a few minutes only, before each feed. The Niplette will draw the nipple out helping mother and baby achieve proper attachment.
The Niplette will not function once milk comes in fully. However, by then baby will have become used to latching on to the nipple and pulling it out for themselves.
The permanent cosmetic correction can then be effected once breastfeeding is over. Ideally, the Niplette should be worn for 8-hour periods during the day or at night.