Prebiotics and Probiotics: What Do We Know?

Prebiotics and probiotics are essential during pregnancy. The reason being that the more and more research is coming out now to say that our gut microbiome during pregnancy influences our babies gut microbiome. And that then goes on to impact upon their future health so we really need to be focusing on this. 

And as a dietitian it's something that I certainly talk about with all of my clients. First of all I think the most important thing is to make sure that they've got plenty of prebiotics in their diet. Prebiotics are basically foods that the good bacteria in our gut are fed off and help those good bacteria to proliferate some of the key prebiotic foods. Things like pasta and bread and vegetables and fresh fruit. They are some of our best probiotic foods. Mums can also take probiotics. So probiotics are the supplements that we can get. 

What's really interesting about the latest research in probiotics is that one probiotic is not the same as the next. They have completely different roles and so we need to make sure that we're identifying the right type of strain of probiotics for the right type of job. But the research is showing that some types of probiotics can be beneficial for women during pregnancy. But that's why I like to focus more on the probiotics because they overall nourish all of those gru bacteria for months to be.