Pregnancy Fitness is a Key to a Smoother Delivery

Stella Dantas, MD OB/GYN: So when get to about three weeks of pregnancy, your energy level goes down a little bit, but it's important to stay active.
Ebony, Nine Weeks Pregnant: Before I got pregnant, I had kind of let my exercise routine lull a little bit, but now that I am pregnant, I've started walking on the weekends, in the morning, and I'm participating in yoga classes.
Danielle, 28 Weeks Pregnant: Even though pregnancy treats me quite well, it is a workload on your cardiac health, and I'm not used to being winded going up just a flight of stairs.
Jason & Megan, Expectant Parents: This pregnancy I've tried to do everything I could to make sure my pregnancy was healthy and I felt good. I did go to the gym through the first, like, six months of pregnancy, and then after that we have just, have been walking because it's been nice out.
Stella Dantas, MD OB/GYN: Staying active will really help your delivery process go a lot smoother. So, going on walks everyday, getting on an elliptical machine or a treadmill 30 minutes a day, four to five times a week is something you can do to help stay active.
Fonda Mitchell, MD OB/GYN: As you get farther and farther along, you may notice that it becomes a little bit harder to maintain posture.
Stella Dantas, MD OB/GYN: But whatever your body was conditioned to do before pregnancy, you can do during the pregnancy. Of course, if you were doing kickboxing, or you were an avid skier, you may not want to do that when you hit your second trimester because those are things you can't control, but for the most part you can do whatever exercise you enjoyed before pregnancy.