Pregnancy Tips for Third Trimester - Fitness & Yoga

You've made it to the home stretch; you’re in your third trimester. Now, it’s time to really conserve your energy and focus on preparing for labor. We're going to explore fitness and yoga during this stage of pregnancy. We're going to strengthen the legs and tone the inner thighs. The legs are instrumental in the pushing stage of labor. 

Come to stand on your yoga mat, facing forward. Again, hip distance apart. Just take your hands to your hips here, then you're going to step your left leg way back behind you. Turn the entire back heel onto the earth. Then, take your hands onto your hips so you can roll the hip points forward as much as possible.

Bending that front knee, you're going to take your arms forward and up. This is called "warrior one" and, from here, you're going to pulse for four counts. Straighten your front leg and come down for one, two, three and four. Hold there and you're going to take your arms wide and open. Take the left arm over the right. Just cross here at the eye of the elbow and then again to make "eagle arms." 

This is really great on tight shoulders during pregnancy. Hold here for a few breaths. When you're ready, as you exhale, you're going to take your arms open and then come right into "warrior two." So, we just adjust our hips very slightly. Arms are open out to the sides. You can gaze over your front fingertips here. You're going to turn your top palm up. The back palm can slide down the back thigh for "reverse warrior."

Inhale and come up for "warrior two." Exhale, extended angle. Just rest that bottom arm right on the thigh. Good. Inhale, come back up. Good. From here, you're going to straighten that front leg and hinge at the hip crease. So, reach long and grab a hold of your ankle or your shin or a block (if it's handy). And then, just gaze up at the top thumb. This is nice for opening up the outer hips.

When you're ready to come out, bend the front knee, then take the arms back up to your "warrior two" position. You can take your hands to your hips from here and we're going to pivot the feet and allow the front toes to come forward. (This is in my way.) Allow the front toes to come forward and deeply bend that knee again for the opposite side. Hips are squared. Arms come forward and up. Again, pulse down for one, two, three, four. From here, hold with your arms open, right over the left, crossing at the eye of the elbow, for "eagle arms." Hold here for one or two breaths, feel the stretch in the shoulders.

When you're ready, exhale, take the arms open for "warrior two" on this side. Gazing over those fingertips, turn the top palm up and the back palm can glide down your back thigh. Inhale, "warrior two," and exhale, extended angle.

Inhale back up to "warrior two" and you're going to straighten your front leg. Hinge at the hip crease, reaching long. This time catch a hold of your ankle or shin and, if you need a block on this side, that's fine, too. Gaze at your thumb and breathe. 

When you're ready to come up, we bend the front knee and take your arms back into your "warrior two" position. Taking your hands to your hips, pivot the foot back in and heel-toe your feet closer together in until your feet are about hip distance apart. Inhale, take your arms up overhead and exhale, bringing your hands to your heart.