Pregnancy Week by Week: 7 Weeks Pregnant

What's happening when you're 7 weeks pregnant? Things are full speed ahead inside your still flat tummy. It’s only been five weeks since conception, but your embryo is 10,000 times bigger now than it was when it arrived in your uterus. Of course it’s still pretty small, around a quarter of an inch or the size of a blueberry.

Happily, that reptilian tail has all but vanished by now and your little cutie is starting to look a little cuter, with dark spots that’ll become eyes, two holes that will turn into nostrils, the beginnings of lips, and, believe it or not, the early beginnings of tooth buds. But it’s the brain that’s getting all the attention now. Baby’s noggin wins the prize for biggest growth spurt this week, as that busy brain cell factory cranks out 100 cells per minute.

Your little sprout is sprouting in other places, too. The limb buds are elongating and will soon become defined shoulders, arms, legs, and knees gearing up to kick you within another month or two. The little paddles at the ends are becoming more distinct and will soon develop into 10 kissable fingers and 10 kissable toes. 

Baby’s liver is in the early stages of formation and will soon begin producing red blood cells. And hot off the production line are baby’s permanent kidneys that are standing by, ready to produce pee in the next few weeks. No need for diapers just yet, though. The embryo’s urine flow will become part of the amniotic fluid it ingests and excretes continuously over the next seven months.

Did You Know?

The most benign and typical type of vaginal bleeding during pregnancy is called "implantation bleeding" and comes from the spot in the uterus your little fetus has chosen to implant. If the bleeding continues, your doctor or mid-wife will probably recommend that you avoid any heavy/high-energy activities and avoid sex. You may also be placed on modified bed-rest to improve implantation.