Pregnancy Yoga - The Best Position for Giving Birth

A frequently asked question on the birth preparation classes I teach is what is the best position to give birth at. Honestly, your level of being in tuned with your body and baby, responding to the signals they give, feeling confident and free to change positions is more important than a single, optimal or best position to assume during birth. Also, it is less likely that any woman would choose to remain in one position throughout her birth. However, squatting is closest to nature's laws and is known as the physiological position. Here's why:
• There is no compression on the big blood vessels going out and to the heart.
• The pelvis is fully mobilized.
• Minimal muscular effort.
• Optimal relaxation of the perineum.
• Optimal baby oxygenation.
• A perfect angle of descent in relation to gravity.
Together with following the guidance offered on pregnancy Yoga classes on how to practice safely and efficiently squatting, integrating it into your daily life, you will become so familiar with assuming it, and that will serve you greatly during your birth, shall you find it the most beneficial for you during this time.