Prenatal Yoga Routine

Prenatal Yoga utilizes postures, breathing, and mindfulness to help soothe the challenges of pregnancy, instill deeper body awareness, and to prepare expectant mothers for both delivery and postpartum recuperation. 
Yoga has been shown to help alleviate many of the common complaints that occur during pregnancy such as back pain, swelling, heart burn, and sciatica- while also cultivating a sense of joy at experiencing the natural changes that occur during these nine months.
This class builds strength, develops focus, and improves flexibility through a gentle practice designed to support pregnancy and self care. Expect a combination of active, flowing poses as well as restorative poses to relax and re-energize. 
Simple breathing and mindfulness techniques will be introduced to support the practice and bring the attention inward. Whether you are coming to the yoga mat for the first time or looking to modify your current practice for your pregnancy, this is the perfect time to foster mindfulness and deepen your awareness of your body.