The Role of Dietitians Before and During Pregnancy

When women conceive their often very busy with a healthcare team you know they have obstetricians and they see their pharmacist and their GP and so forth. But often they're not thinking about a dietitian but we know that early life nutrition is so essential for setting up both her health but also her baby's future health. 

Through modifying a baby's epigenetics nutrition is essential when you're trying to conceive during pregnancy. And the new bugs and by getting these women involved with a dietician you can really help to reduce the risk of health conditions for the next generation. 

I've worked at people in hospitals for years and years who struggle with their weight who have seen little babies tearing their arms apart and bleeding from eczema. People who have struggled for years and years with diarrhea and so forth from allergies and yet we can actually reduce these issues and maybe even eliminate these issues through what we feed our children and through what we eat during this first thousand days. 

To think that we can actually have such a big impact just by focusing on this short period of time. And I know that it's hard. I know that it's hard to eat well during pregnancy I know that it's hard to eat well when you're tired and breastfeeding but to think that it can make the difference between your baby potentially struggling having lifelong weight battles or having life long battles with allergies really at the end of the day, I think it's worth it.