Tips to Fight Fatigue After Delivery

When my first child was born I would have to say the biggest surprise was the level of fatigue that I experienced. I was not ready for the sleepless nights, and just the stress of being up so frequently, and just making sure that I was available to meet all of his needs. 

So as a new mother encouraged you to take the time to support yourself, so that you can keep your energy up in order to be able to take care of your new baby. And one key strategy to do that is to sleep as often as you can to try to ensure that you're getting at least seven hours of sleep.

Although it won't be all at night, at one time period, but even if you break it up during the day, research has shown that that will significantly help you navigate some of the stressors and fatigues of being a new mom. 

And for nutrition strategies I really encourage you to try to explore creative ways to build in slow carbs. So those are going to be your really high fiber carbohydrate choices. Many times when we're tired the first thing we're going to reach for are going to be more processed foods, sugar and grains. 

So I encourage you to prepare, if possible, and cook in advance before baby's arrival. Otherwise you can certainly use easy products, fruits and starchy vegetables, oatmeal, or other whole grains to really kind of give you that slow, steady energy release, rather than the blood sugar fluctuations that occur with sugar consumption. 

Part of the balance of all of that is also to ensure that you have protein when you're eating consistently throughout the day. This can be easy you don't necessarily - might not have the energy or the time to cook meals that you did in the past. And so you can assemble very balanced meals easily. 

And so a lot of times it just goes into making sure that you've planned  just enough, and have the right groceries on hand to support your goals. So, easy proteins could be hard-boiled eggs, string cheese, could be a wild salmon, or even tuna. You could a so opt for lean meats, and beans, or legumes. 

One of my favorite new easy meals is lentil pasta, because the proteins included. So if you're craving the carbohydrates you can find creative ways to put protein in with those meals, and that will help your blood sugar fluctuations, and definitely your energy.