• In every 10,000 births in the United States, one result in a birth injury.
• Brain injuries acquired during birth is one of the leading causes of permanent disability.
Physical Trauma
• Physical as well as brain trauma can occur from a doctor pulling or twisting too hard during delivery.
• Unnoticed infections during mother's pregnancy can potentially cause infant brain damage.
• Some of these infections include herpes, syphilis, rubela, and varicella.
Perinatal Asphyxia
• Occurs when the infant does not receive adequate oxygen levels during and after birth.
• This can be caused by the umbilical cord wrapped around the infant's neck, untrreated anemia, or the baby not breathing on its own.
• Symptoms can include abnormalities of the head, appearing blue or pale, seizures, excessive vomiting, trouble breathing, unresponsive limbs, and spastic motions.
• In 2006 alone, Statistics show over 150,000 birth injuries could have been avoided in the US.
• It is best to seek professional medical advice immediately if you notice any signs of brain damage.