Your First 60 Seconds in 60 Seconds

- When you were born, this is what the world might have looked like, and it would have looked this way for 3 months.

- You probably took your first breath ever!

- This is because the placenta was supplying oxygen, not your lungs.

- The lungs, which have been filled with fluid, now start filling up with air.

- You probably cried for the first time. 

- Studies argue that crying after being born helps to expand your lungs.

- You experienced a change body temperature. 

- Because you had to regulate your own temperature for the first time ever!

- The umbilical cord may have been cut.

- You then live without the placenta for the first time ever!

- You probably looked like an alien when you were born.

- You were probably blueish or slightly bruised.

- You may have been covered in a thin greasy layer called vernix.

- You were also covered in amniotic fluid.

- You were probably placed on your birth mother's abdomen to bond.

- If you were born in a hospital, you were probably administered the apgar test.

- The apgar tests heart rate, breathing, muscle tone, reflexes, and skin tone.