Anaesthetic Procedure for Elective Caesarean Section

If you are having an elective operation, you will have some routine blood tests done beforehand. You will be asked to go into hospital the night before or early on the morning of the operation, and to take a medicine to reduce the acidity in your stomach.

An anaesthetist and patient explain what to expect when you have a combined spinal anaesthetic and epidural prior to having an elective Caesarean Section (C section) the production includes information on:

1. Attending the anaesthetic clinic prior to the procedure
2. Taking medication prior to your Caesarean
3. Defining a combined spinal anaesthetic and epidural 
4. Arriving for a elective caesarean section
5. Having a cannula fitted
6. Having a combined spinal anaesthetic and epidural
7. Checking the anaesthetic
8. Monitoring your blood pressure
9. The risks inherent in a combined spinal anaesthetic and epidural
10. Having your birthing partner with you
11. Having a caesarean section (C section)
12. When baby is born
13. Post operation pain relief
14. Recovering from a caesarean section operation
15. Getting mobile again