Varius sitting positions on a delivery bed with and without partner. Using the semi-sitting position in a birthing chair or bed, allows you to rest between contractions. During contractions, can wrap hands around knees and pull knees up toward shoulders (as in squatting). Most common in hospital setting.
For mom and baby: some help from gravity moving the baby down; mom feels more in control than in lithotomy position. Benefits for caregivers: good view of perineum, easy access to perineum.
- Being semi-seated or reclining is, in some ways, marginally better than lying flat on your back.
- This position won't interfere with epidural line, catheter, IV line or internal / external monitor.
- You get some help from gravity. (Not enough to make it worth it, though.)
- Can be used for resting, but side-lying may be more effective.