In order to understand why Sciatica occur during pregnancy, it's helpful to know the basic anatomy of the spine. The spine is made up of 33 individual bones called vertebrae. These are separated by intervertebral discs.
Each spinal disc has a tough outer shellcalled theannulus.The center portion of thedisc, the nucleus, contains agel-likesubstance. The intervertebral discs keep the vertebral column stable, and act as shock-absorbing cushions. They also allow the spineto bend and twist.
The sciatic nerve is one of the body’s major nerves. It begins from a group of spinal nerves at the base of the spine, runs under the piriformis muscle, and then extends down into the thigh and leg. The sciatic nerve supplies sensation to the skin of the leg and foot. It also supplies the muscles in the back of the thigh and in the calf.