Madeline’s VBAC Home Birth Story

For many pregnant women, the experience of giving birth and becoming a mother evokes strong memories and a range of emotions. It is one of the most powerful and profound events of your life, and, no matter the outcome, it can be infused with negative feelings.
What is a VBAC?
Women who’ve had a caesarean birth are usually physically able to try a vaginal birth next time around. This is commonly called a vaginal birth after caesarean or VBAC.
A VBAC is pretty much the same as any other vaginal birth, with one big exception. When you go into labour, midwives and doctors will monitor you very closely – more closely than if you hadn’t had a previous caesarean.
They might use special equipment to keep checking on your health and your baby’s health. This is so they can pick up quickly on any problems.