Weird Things Couples Do To Get Pregnant

Some couples that are trying to conceive get lucky on the first go-round, but many more have to try for months (or even years) to get a bun in the oven. 
It’s unsurprising that a lot couples tend to get a bit weird throughout a process that requires regularly peeing in cups and having extremely well-timed sex (I mean, who wouldn’t, right?). 
This video explores the weird things couples do while trying to get pregnant, from hanging out upside down post-sex to curtailing masturbatory habits, and it's hilarious.
The video is part of a comedy series about the “Weird Couple,” made up of real-life married duo Elizabeth Triplett and Justin Abarca. 
The video exposes the process of getting pregnant as less than glamorous, but it’s all worthwhile when the Weird Couple gets a positive pregnancy test in the end. 
This hilarious video shows a couple acting out some of the weird and wonderful things people do when they're trying to get pregnant.