The Best Massage Technique for Labour

You will be undergoing incredible physical, hormonal and emotional changes in pregnancy. Regular or even a one-off treatment can be enormously beneficial to support this process. Joanna The Massaging Midwife teaches your partners two easy and effective massage technique, to practice in pregnancy and use during birth.

A pregnancy massage with me may help to:

Relieve the strain and stresses of pregnancy: As your baby grows, your posture and alignment adapts. The increasing weight of your tummy and your muscles and joints lengthening and softening is hard work for your body, and muscles can feel tired as they get stretched. I will use the right pressure and techniques to soothe and ease your aches.

Recuperate from exhaustion: Exhaustion can be relieved with deep relaxation techniques, and stimulation of acupressure points can alleviate typical pregnancy symptoms such as nausea.

Support your pelvis and stretch you out: Your pelvis is working hard in pregnancy. Massage may help to lengthen the lower back and decrease pelvic tilting, shorten and tone abdominal muscles, and open up the chest and lungs. Joint mobilisations will help to stretch you out, especially in the pelvis and ribs.

Encourage deeper and more relaxing breathing: Massage stimulates the respiratory and digestive systems, encouraging open and normal breathing, helping alleviate typical pregnancy symptoms such as heartburn.

Fill your body with oxytocin, the love hormone: Give a treat to your baby! Your baby will enjoy all the benefits of massage. If you are happy and relaxed and calm, you will produce oxytocin and release endorphins. These hormones will transfer to the baby too via your placenta.

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