Life After Giving Birth: Parenting Expectations vs. Reality

Even if you don't plan on becoming a mom for years, you probably have at least a vague vision of what parenthood will look like. You might think you'll spend your precious free time soaking in the bath but in reality, you'll probably end up cleaning the bathroom floor. Here, moms admit how they thought things would go down — and oh, how very wrong they were.
1. A Relaxing Bath
The Reality: Scrubbing the bathroom floor, because eww...
2. A Much-Needed Mani-Pedi
The Reality: Cleaning out your car. If only you hadn't looked in the back seat...
3. Solo Yoga
The Reality: Zzzzzzz...
4. Call Your Best Friend to Catch Up
The Reality: "I'll just quickly make a few doctor's appointments first"...
5. Shopping for You (and Only You!)
The Reality: Shopping for your kids because you just couldn't ignore that BOGO deal at the shoe store.
6. Netflix & Ice Cream
The Reality: Cleaning out your freezer because OMG where is that smell coming from?!
7. Indulge in Social Media
The Reality: Sending RSVPs for the 43 birthday parties your kid just got invited to.
8. Lose Yourself in a Book
The Reality:, not happening.