Breastfeeding is something I’ve always wanted to do from the first time I found out I was pregnant. I didn’t want to put so much pressure on myself that it would put me into a negative headspace so I’ve always told myself to give it all I’ve got and if it doesn’t work it’s okay. I truly believe fed is best whether from a breast or bottle.
Never in a million years did I think we would make it this far. 355 days of nursing my girls, exclusively and tandem. Never did I think I would be able to breastfeed twins but here we are- almost 12 months later and counting.
The girls birthday is looming and I don’t know how long we will continue, we’ll make that decision together; but what I do know is it’s taken a lot of dedication, patience and perserverence but we’ve made it this far and still going strong.
So easily we body shame our bodies rather than praise ourselves. I am so proud, amazed and thankful my body was able to carry, deliver and provide for 3 babies. The sleepless nights, clusterfeeding, only being away from them for more than 3 hours maybe a handful of times in the last year; it’s all been a sacrifice but it’s been so worth it. I wouldn’t change any of it for the world. ⠀
It’s getting more difficult now as the girls are getting bigger. They are starting to crawl, climb and poke each other while feeding but then there are those moments where they grab each other’s hand or something makes the two of them laugh and they look at each other and smile and it’s a moment the three of us share that my heart can barely handle.
My body may not have been my own for the last year but I have never felt more stronger and more at peace with who I’ve become as a person. It hasn’t been easy and it’s not for everyone, but it’s what worked for us.