Pregnancy Week by Week: 35 Weeks Pregnant

What's happening when you're 35 weeks pregnant? At week 35, your little bundle is not so little any more. She’s pretty much maxed out in the length department at about 20 inches. But at five and a half pounds, your bambino still has some ounces to gain, and those will pile on quickly. In fact, she’ll likely pack on a whole pound or two or more before she heads down the exit ramp.

Back in mid-pregnancy, when baby’s physique was more birdlike than brawny, only two percent of that itty-bitty body was fat. Now, that percentage has grown to 15 percent and by birth will double to 30 percent. As that all-important insulation distributes across her body, your little one’s legs, arms, torso, and face are filling out nicely. Bye-bye birdie. Hello cherub!

Fetal brain development is also moving at a cracker jack pace and will continue to do so throughout childhood. In this last trimester, your baby’s brain weight increases by almost ten times and, by age 12, that same brain will be more than three times the size it was at birth. Just in time for pre-algebra!

As your baby fills out and her uterine confines get tighter, her movements will feel less like individual kicks and more like slithers and rolls. Don’t be surprised if the contours of your tummy change from time to time. It’s not an alien you’re gestating, just your baby shifting position! 

Got twins in your tank? Uterine conditions are getting pretty cramped by now, and you should expect to deliver earlier than if you were just carrying one baby – in the next couple weeks. In fact, 37 weeks is considered full term for twins. So get ready mama!

Did You Know?

Many women start losing more hair shortly after their baby arrives. This is largely due to the pendulum-like changes in their hormones which are re-stabilizing after the birth. Not to worry: overall, the hair loss isn’t significant as most women lose less hair than normal during pregnancy. Another contributing factor may be the stress of being a new parent.