Your Pregnancy: Fetal Development Weeks 25 to 29

The baby keeps growing. He may have eyebrows and eyelashes and might even have a little hair on his head but the color is still not his definite shade of hair. His taste buds begin to form and now he can taste the amniotic fluid, this fluid taste varies depending on the foods mommy eats.
His arms and legs are growing and begin to be more proportional to the rest of his body. His senses are refining and he is responsive to stimuli such as light and sound. Now he can hear your voice, that's why we recommend talking to him and playing music. 
He may yawn and get the hiccups and, very soon he will start dreaming. You can now feel the baby kicking. Your skin feels taut because he's gaining weight faster than in previous months. In these weeks the baby grows from the size of an eggplant to the size of a papaya.