When you first bring your teeny-tiny newborn home, you suddenly realise the enormity of being responsible for this little life, and anything, anything, that seems out of the ordinary – from spots or blotches to squinty eyes – is pretty much guaranteed to send you into a little spin of panic. Before you go running to the phone to call the pediatrician, we've got the rundown on all the freaky, but totally normal, things you'll soon discover about newborn babies.
1. It's All Swell: Baby's genitals look...huge?! That's due to pressure, trapped fluids, and mom's hormones. It'll subside!
2. Moves Like Jagger: Baby's super-jumpy?! That's the Moro—or startle—reflex, and it disappears by 3 months.
3. To the Point: Baby's got a cone-shaped head?! Thank the hours spent wedged in your pelvis for that. Don't worry—it's temporart!
4. Pucker Up: Baby's got a lip blister?! That can happen from vigorously sucking on a bottle, breast, or thumb. They don't hurt, though. (Phew!)
5. Diaper Check: Baby's poop looks like mustard?! Runny, seedy, yelloish stools are totally normal for breastfeed babies.
6. What a Flake: Baby's shedding?! That's just the upper layer of his skin drying out and peeling off after being exposed to air. (Don't pick!)
7. More Please: Baby's always hungry?! She's got lots of growing to do—expect her to double her birth weight in 6 months!